View single post by papoon
 Posted: Wed Mar 24th, 2010 05:21 am
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Joined: Mon Apr 7th, 2008
Location: California USA
Posts: 499
Back in December of last year, Adam featured the Japanese Waite J.K. Tarot on his weblog. He described it as being issued in 1989 with artwork by Seigan Nakajima from 1975 and coming with a book in what I assume to be one of the typical Japanese-style shelf boxes.

I received a copy of the deck last week, but it seems to be a different edition. As you can see in the photo, is comes is a small fiberboard snap-top box with a minimal LWB and has only a 1975 copyright notice on one of the cards. In addition, assuming that the colors in Adam's scan are accurate (which they virtually always are) the colors on my copy are very much more saturated than Adam's.

My suspicion is that there were (at least) two editions of this deck, and this one is an earlier one. Does anyone else have one or the other of these versions or any other info about it?

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