View single post by feyr
 Posted: Fri Nov 4th, 2022 12:18 pm
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Joined: Mon Oct 24th, 2022
Location: Czech Republic
Posts: 1
There seem to be two versions of Lo Scarabeo Tarot of Marseille mini:

1. no red stripe on the bottom of the box, printed 2021, date on two of coins 2019, card dimensions 50x81 mm and the images are stretched to fit them, which looks horrible on the coins, sun and other round things. i have found some people on youtube who have this, the deformation is sometimes visible, but they don't comment on that. I have this.

2. red stripe at the bottom of the box, the box is noticeably taller, so the aspect ratio is probably right and the cards are probably not stretched, dimensions could be 44mm x 80mm. I didn't find anyone who has this.

On Lo Scarebeo website, they have images for the 2. but dimensions for the 1.
On book depository they seem to have both, but the dimensions seem switched.
The author from the product with the 2. version box correspond with the name on my 1. version box, on my two of coins is written AMM.MO, which corresponds to what is on my box.
I bought mine from local shop, the images on their website were of the 2. version exactly the same as on Lo scarabeo website, but i received the 1. version.
I have found fakes of the 1. version, they have QR code on the bottom side of the box. I didn't find fakes of the 2. version.

bottom side of my box - even the code here seems stretched
see the deformation:

i placed a coin here so you can be sure it is not caused by camera angle:

I have written to Lo Scarabeo, but no response yet.
Do you know anything about these decks? Do you have the 2. version? Would the deformation bother you?

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