View single post by Sumada
 Posted: Sat Jun 8th, 2013 01:22 am
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Joined: Sun Jan 27th, 2008
Location: Masterton, New Zealand
Posts: 334
Dear Tarot Collectors Forum Collaborative Deck creators,
It is with much sadness, a very heavy heart, acute embarrassment and sincerest apologies that I must announce I am unable to complete any cards for this year's collaborative deck. I realise this is somewhat of a monstrous shabby, given that there is so little time left for anyone else to jump into the breech, but the pressures of life, and my abysmal time management, all require that I make this decision now and not procrastinate any longer.
Once again, I am truly sorry to leave you all in the lurch, and only hope that some artistic wizard with proverbial skates on undertakes to do my cards – The World and the four Aces.
Hopefully I may be allowed back into the circle again sometime in the future…
Best regards,

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