View single post by Eno
 Posted: Mon Nov 30th, 2015 12:52 am
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Joined: Sat Feb 13th, 2010
Location: Berlin, Germany
Posts: 80
The pictures for the collage are borrowed from Escher’s Bond of Union and the Aurem Vellus. The picture from the Aurem Vellus pictures the body being dissolved by the spirit, which is then removed from the body, and afterwards finally descends into a newly spiritual body as an allegory for sublimation and distillation. In the upper left corner I included the Gemini constellation, which is generally associated with the Lovers card and here represents the duality of body and spirit. In the lower right corner is the sixth Hebrew letter Vav (“nail”), which here represents “union”. My Lovers card is about the process of overcoming the duality of body and spirit.

Attached Image (viewed 110 times):


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