View single post by goldenweb
 Posted: Sun Jan 21st, 2018 08:35 am
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Joined: Sat Nov 17th, 2007
Location: Brighton, United Kingdom
Posts: 985
I like The Celtic Oracle and The Celtic Shaman's Pack, both with books by John Matthews. The Shaman's Pack has illustrations by Chesca Potter, the Oracle by four (I think) different artists.

The Enlightenment Pack by Chuck Spezzano is easy to use and can help to focus the mind but it's OOP and pretty expensive, and the artwork's not for everyone.

The Oracle of the Radiant Sun has lovely cards created from old engravings etc. that have been coloured, but the system is astrological and fairly complicated.

I guess that (like most things) what one connects with is very individual. I've enjoyed using all three of the sets above, but The Mystical Lenormand is a very friendly little pack (cheap and cheerful too) that I used to spend most time with.

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