View single post by Little Window
 Posted: Fri Nov 18th, 2011 02:01 am
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Little Window

Joined: Mon Jan 21st, 2008
Location: New Jersey USA
Posts: 54
goldenweb wrote:
Also, re. the insults and misunderstandings, I blame the damned pixels, which seem to change one's original and intended meaning on the sly and cause no end of trouble.

skad1 wrote:
Ah them pixels, the bane of every computer.  and leaving milk on the doorstop doesn't impress them at all! 

Hi goldenweb and skad1,
OnePotato didn't really want to interrupt the thread rehashing old news, but I feel there are some things that need clarifying here.

I don't believe "pixels" had much to do with the problem.

For those who weren't around or don't recall, for the 2008 TCF Collaborative deck OnePotato did the deck layout, card back, custom wrappers, supplied the card stock and 6-color inkjet ink, did color correction, printed and cut the decks and wrappers, and covered the shipping costs. (A few people chose to pay an optional $10 for printed card backs.) Blank backed decks were entirely free to participants. He did this so that any artists who wanted to participate could do so without having to consider the financial burden, and would not have to go without a copy of their work.

Of course this involved quite a bit of labor, and quite a bit of time, particularly since it had to be done in between his real life obligations.

Unfortunately our printer suffered a clogged head, and despite his best efforts to soak it in solvent for a few weeks, it ultimately had to be replaced entirely. This was explained on the forum, and OP apologized for the delay.

At one point, Gregory posted a public call to have him fired from the project, and asked if anyone was willing to replace him. She went on to say that he should have been paid in the first place, as then there would be a legal "contract" that he could be held to, and people would feel free to complain about his poor performance without feeling guilty.

When someone else expressed a bit of outrage about this, Gregory went back and edited her post to read like an innocent question about progress on the job, making it sound like she was being unfairly shouted down. (IMHO the whole thing could have been avoided from the outset with a simple PM rather than an attempt at public humiliation.)

Now, I don't see how anyone could characterize this as some sort of innocent "misunderstanding." But since it has been brought up again, I did think at least people should know what the issue was. For what it's worth, OP thinks it should be dropped, and believes the matter should have no bearing on future projects.

It is nice to see an apology after all these years.

Hope that clears up any confusion,
Little Window

Last edited on Fri Nov 18th, 2011 02:02 am by Little Window

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