View single post by ArlenedeWinter
 Posted: Mon May 25th, 2009 06:53 am
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Joined: Sun May 24th, 2009
Posts: 10
Hi, This forum has such beautiful energy! i found it looking for images and came upon the wonderful pencil drawing for a deck reviewed and sold by Adam... I forgot the name... I may buy it because it is so evocative.
I have been reading cards professionally since 1986 in Seattle and London. I have known collectors, but my own collecting has usually been in the name of business and just needing new images to work with once in a while. As a result I have seen a lot of decks and owned and worked with quite a few. I also painted my own deck between Halloween 1996- 2000. It is Grail Bearer's Tarot. I wondered if I could discover in here how people self published. AGMuller was going to do in 2000, then they had a tower experience and things went pear shaped. It has sat since then -- though US Games put some of it in the 4th Encyclopedia of the Tarot. I may resubmit, but the idea of self publishing has crossed my mind.
I don;t want to appear spammy so I'll leave it at that. I will soon come back and see what else is going on.
Fun to be here,
Arlene deWinter

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