View single post by sacredashes
 Posted: Mon Oct 13th, 2008 01:44 pm
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Joined: Fri Aug 29th, 2008
Location: Singapore
Posts: 119
BlueToy wrote: I did try asking around for publishers in Japan, but those I've asked said that you'd have to be associated with a Japanese psychic for that, or something like that. 

:gi Never heard of that one before.

BlueToy wrote:
There was also this other Filipino guy in Aeclectic based in HK and designing his own deck who mentioned something about getting decks printed there - but that's for self-publishing. 

I remember Ranzel. He has this really amazing concept that looks almost unreal.

BlueToy wrote: :( I'm a bit reluctant to look for publishers in China Taiwan and Korea since I noticed a number of pirated decks have been published there...

You know I came across  this site about the Orphan Bill being passed in the USA, allowing publishers to use artworks that are "orphaned' meaning they can't locate thecreator thus giving them the rights to use, modify and copyright their modified version of the original. :ee Any idea if there's any truth to it?


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