View single post by Sumada
 Posted: Thu Jul 28th, 2011 09:06 am
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Joined: Sun Jan 27th, 2008
Location: Masterton, New Zealand
Posts: 334
Hi tarotcol
Been using the new look software for about half an hour already, and yes, navigating just as easy as before. Everything seems to be there as before, and maybe it works better from an administrator's point of view...

...I miss the old "look" of things :~(

Can't remember what the old "themes" were called; I know you could change them, but I always returned to the one I first saw. It was green and gray, and the logo top left toned in perfectly. Now it looks like it's just stuck on top of something else that doesn't match.
Call me a ludite if you will, but if you can "fiddle about with this over the next few weeks" as you say, please see if you can bring back the old look to the new software.

But I will cope if that's not possible :~)

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