View single post by Arnell
 Posted: Thu May 7th, 2009 09:11 am
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Joined: Sun Nov 9th, 2008
Location: San Diego, California USA
Posts: 162
Well Gregory, I know but...they got to draw the line somewhere don't they? Otherwise you maybe have some cheapskate coloring a dot in the middle of their  so called card contribution and calling it Tarot symbolic 'art' so's they can get a deck for half off, right? I know you and I wouldn't ever do that, but someone would I betcha.

Thanks with the help with the delete question. Its late here so I'll check into that tomorrow when I get home. Goodnight, sweet dreams.

PS: Her name is Morena...not Maria. You were real close tho...

Last edited on Thu May 7th, 2009 09:13 am by Arnell

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