View single post by burroughs
 Posted: Mon Mar 17th, 2014 09:08 pm
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Joined: Sun Mar 21st, 2010
Location: Italy
Posts: 60
Greetings, a friend of mine is willing to sell the following tarot decks. I would like to buy the rarer ones, or most sought-after ones, to improve on my collection what do you think that I should get? I haven't seen the cards since these are new decks (unopened). Here is the list:

Tarot maddonni
Tarot de nostradamus
new age tarot
golden dragon tarot
symbolon tarot
tarot jacques vieville
egyptian tarot deck
ibis tarot
tarot persan de madame indira
tarot of transition
old english tarot
stairs of gold tarot de tavaglione
tarot of the ages
tarot chinois
zolar’s astrological tarot
the chinese tarot deck
hanson roberts tarot deck
aquarian tarot
tarot of the cat people
arcus arcanum tarot
barbara walker tarot

Your opinion is much appreciated, thank you.

Last edited on Sat Mar 22nd, 2014 09:16 pm by burroughs

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