London, Wellcome Institute MS. 29.
60 folios. 275x210mm. Mid 17th Century.

[Anonymous work containing 57 leaves of remarkable coloured pen-drawings symbolising the process of making the Stone, and of alchemical apparatus. With text in Latin.]
[Note in pencil Sloane Coll. 2056.]
f1 naked man kneeling on cubic stone in cave.
f2 naked man standing in cave.
f3 (Divided into two illustrations) miner in cave. below men sort the ore.
f4 (divided into two) Two furnaces. Below two naked men work with fire.
f5 (divided into two) Above naked man bats a basin upon an anvil.
Below a naked man sets up a furnace. He holds an alembic.
f6-28 23 illustrations from Vallis Novi MSS. though in different order and missing the first two.
f6 - 8 (corresponds to MPH); 7 - 9; 8 - 10; 9 - 11; 10 - 13; 11 - 14; 12 - 12; 13 - 15; 14 - 16; 15 - 17; 16 - 18; 17 - 19; 18 - 20; 19 - 21; 20 - 22; 21 - 23; 22 - 24; 23 - 25; 24 - 26; 25 - 3; 26 - 6; 27 - 5; 28 - 4; 4 and 5 - 7 MPH.
f 1 has title 'Tesaurum mundi hic est'.
f29 A King is pulled out of a fountain by two naked figures.
f30 A naked king stands in a fountain surrounded by 6 naked figures (of the planets?) with banners bearing text.
f31-42 An irregular form of the 'Donum Dei' with 12 flasks.
Flask 1. Man and woman are show in the flask above a green liquid. In this liquid, below the man is a sun disc, while below the woman is a green winged dragon or cockatrice.
Flask 2. A man and woman are shown lying in bed beneath a canopy in side the flask. Below in a layer of green liquid, a naked man on the left profers a heart to a naked woman on the right. Beside the flask the green dragon or cockatrice of the former flask is seen biting and devouring a sun disc.
Flask 3. A man and a woman are shown facing each other above a layer of green liquid in the Flask. Below them are depicted respectively a woman and a man looking in opposite directions.
Flask 4. An eagle's head is shown above a layer of green liquid. In this liquid is a green toad.
Flask 5. A pile of stone or earth is shown above a ;laye of green liquid in the flask, within this green liquid six snakes are swimming. Another pile of stones or earth is seen higher up in the neck of the flask.
Flask 6. Similar to the previous except the earth is noww hovering in the space above the layer of green liquid. there are only 4 snakes swimming in this.
Flask 7. A naked man with a Sun head stands on the surface of the layer of green liquid. Nothing i s seen in this except a few waves.
Flask 8. In the layer of green liquid the green dragon or cockatrice is seen. Its head reaches back as if trying to seize its tail.
Flask 9. A bird is seen walking over the layer of green liquid. In this is a sun on the left and a moon on the right. The cockatrice or dragon of the previous figure is depicted upside down still trying to seize its own tail.
Flask 10. A naked man is seen upside down in side the flask falling towards the layer of green liquid. In this another naked man is seen kneeling in prayer. Beside the flask is a Peacock with its tail displayed.
Flask 11. A red rose is seen above the layer of green liquid, within which a man with a sun head holds up a flower.
Flask 12. A King with a red crown and sceptre, holds a red flower on the right. The layer of green liquid has now disappeared, and the king stands upon a small layer of solid grey matter.