British Library MS. Lansdowne 1204.

'Recueil des Dogmes les plus obscures des Cabalistes composé par C... A... V... De St. B. dans lequele se trouve les interprettations les plus claire du sens caché et obscure qui se trouve dans les ouvrages ecris sur ces matieres avec une metode simple pour l'intelligence de la cabal des nombres numeriques, 1792. Amme R. C.'
[This title, in bad orthography, has been added to the work, and some alterations made in its real title, which is 'Traite des Dogmes les plus curieux et les plus obscurs des cabalistes anciennement tirés de leurs commentaires. Par Jean Pic, et enrichis d'interpretations par le P...' (the name, which was 'Pere Archange', being carefully defaced with a pen). It is in fact no more than a translation of Pico's printed work, the origial Latin of which is also transcribed; nor does it appear that any comment whatever has been added to that already made by Achangelus. The name of the pretended commentator or compiler is introduced at f521, and is 'Charles St. Bedau'.]