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Help needed

There are a number of key alchemical texts which as far as I know are not available in English translation.
If anyone knows of an existing translation in manuscript, or indeed would be willing to undertake a translation from the original language (even a synopsis or summary), please get in contact.
  • Giovanni Battista Nazari, Della tramutatione metallica sogni tre... 1572. An interesting alchemical allegory, in three 'dreams' with series of symbolic figures. [In Italian.]
  • Hermaphroditisches Sonn- und Monds-Kind, 1752. An important 18th century symbolic work with a series of 14 engravings. [In German.]
  • Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, 1499. An important allegorical work illustrated with beautiful woodcuts. [In Italian.]

Would anyone be interested in transcribing Eirenaeus Philalethes Marrow of Alchemy in order that I can add it to the alchemical texts page? I would provide a photocopy. It is an extended poem in two books, and would take a two-fingered typist about 40 to 50 hours in all to transcribe. Justin von Bujdoss is presently transcribing this for me ! ! !