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'Gold' An alchemical adventure.

A play by Andrew Dallmeyer
Act II. Scene 5b.
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Street in Port Seton 

		(Various passers by.
		Enter Seton.   He walks with difficulty. Enter Mister Sibbet.)

SIBBET	Weil, weil, weil.   And look whi it isne! If it isne Alexander 
	Seton hissel'!
	I thought yid left the country fir good.
SETON	Aye.  So did I.
SIBBET	And are ye still meddlin' round wi' the alchemy then?
SETON	No.  Not so much of late.
	Are you still torturing, innocent creatures for pleasure and profit?
SIBBET	You're a queer bastard Seton so ye are, so ye are tae.  Here, let's 
	shake hauns man and let bygones be bygones.

		(He offers his hand to Seton.)

SETON	(After a pause) Very well.

		(They shake hands.)

SIBBET	Come one, Sandy man, it canne pain ye that much.   Weil, I'll 
	be seein' ye.   Fare ye weil, fare ye weil.

		(Exit Sibbet. Enter Auld Nrs. Nesbitt.)

Mrs. NESBITT	Aye, aye, aye.  And how are ye keepin' son, eh?  How's yoursel'?
SETON	Truth to tell, I could scarcely be worse.
Mrs. NESBITT	Good.   That's good.  Im gey glad to hear you're weil but I'm no 
	that weil mysel'. I'm sufferin' wi ma legs agin.  I was gangin oot 
	fur a loaf o' breid when aw o' a sudden there's a sharp stabbin 
	pain in ma hip which fair left us breathless. Mind you, its better 
	the day.
	Am I right in thinkin' you've bin awa'? You've bin awa' fra here?
SETON	Aye, you are right Mrs. Nesbitt.
Mrs. NESBITT	Aye, I thought so.  And where hae ye bin if ye dinne mind us eskin'?
SETON	I have been to Hell and back.
Mrs. NESBITT	Good.  That's good.  It'll hae bin a nice change fur ye.   Weil, I 
	had better be off on ma road.  I'll mebe see ye later son.
SETON	Aye.  Mebe, mebe.

		(Exit Mrs. Nesbitt.
		Various passers by.
		Exit Seton.)

If you have problems understanding these alchemical texts, Adam McLean now provides a study course entitled How to read alchemical texts : a guide for the perplexed.