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Fludd imagery study course
Adam McLean
A detailed analysis of Robert Fludd's emblems
The original study course was in a pdf file of 547 pages. Here these have been broken down into a number of more managable sections.
Pages 1-68 Tome I - First Tractate
Lesson 1 Introduction and title pages.
Lesson 2 : Preliminary material at the beginning of the first volume.
Lesson 3 : The Origin of the Cosmos.
Lesson 4 : The Music of the Spheres.
Lesson 5 : The formation and structure of the planetary spheres.
Lesson 6 : Some experiments with Air and Fire.

Pages 69-158 Tome I - Second Tractate (part 1-3)
Lesson 7 : The second tractate.
Lesson 8 : Arithmetic.
Lesson 9 : The Temple of Music.
Lesson 10 : Geometry or the art of measurement.

Pages 159-187 Tome I - Second Tractate (part 4-5)
Lesson 11 : Optics.
Lesson 12 : The art of painting.

Pages 188-289 Tome I - Second Tractate (part 6-7)
Lesson 13 : The military arts.
Lesson 14 : Machines that move things.

Pages 290-323 Tome I - Second Tractate (part 8-10)
Lesson 15 : On time.
Lesson 16 : On Cosmography or the making of maps.
Lesson 17 : On Astrology and Geomancy.

Pages 324-424 Tome II - Portion One and Two
Lesson 18 : The Second Tome or Volume on the Microcosm.
Lesson 19 : The interior of the Microcosm.
Lesson 20 : The interior and exterior harmonies of the Microcosm.
Lesson 21 : The second section from Prophecy to Chiromancy.
Lesson 22 : The pyramids.
Lesson 23 : De praeternaturali utriusque mundi historia.

Pages 425-506 Tome II - Anatomiae Amphitheatrum.
Lesson 24 : Alchemical experiments with wheat.
Lesson 25 : The Anatomy of Man.
Lesson 26 : Mystical Anatomy.
Lesson 27 : The reply to Kepler's criticisms.

Pages 507-547 Tome II - Philosophia Sacra.
Lesson 28 : Philosophia Sacra - Meteorology and Cosmology.
Lesson 29 : Philosophia Sacra - Some experiments.